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the skully family

Lindsay Olson

Meet the Skully Family. They’re visiting us from beyond the grave until midnight on October 31st.

A skull necklace was one of the first pieces of jewelry I ever designed. The collection has taken on a more abstract aesthetic since then. But as a nod to the everlasting power of the undead, and to celebrate my favorite spooky season, we resurrect these designs once a year for a limited release. Take one home with you now, before we bury them again.


Jack is the OG, the sire of every Skully hereafter. He’s your quintessential spookster: iconic, everlasting, undead, eternal.


Bonehead is a big, bad signet ring. Originally crafted as a custom piece for Lindsay’s brother, Bonehead is now available, for a limited time, to all who have asked, begged, pleaded to wear him. A hefty, silver signet topped with a solid gold skull and deep blue sapphire eyes.


Freddy is Bonehead’s glam and delicate kid sister. We love this one as a pinky ring, the diamond eye winking at you as it catching the golden Autumn sunlight.


Shirley is the most refined member of the skull family. She’ll invite you over for cocktails, soothe you with a glass of sparkling wine and a cozy chair by a roaring fire… and then tell you the spookiest story you’ve ever heard, her eye twinkling with glee as the goosebumps prickle your spine.


Technically one member of the Skully family, Jekyll and Hyde combines dueling forces in an eternal battle between good and evil.


Norman is the oddball of the family. A loner, though polite and hospitable if called upon. Don’t let his quiet nature deceive you - he’s always watching.


Who doesn’t love a set of creepy twins? The Grady twins invite you to come play with them… forever.


The baby of the family. Damien is bright, shiny, and creepy as hell.

Orders from our limited release are made to order and will ship by 11.15

Happy Halloween!

